The year our values took centre stage

As safe as home, Knauf Insulation

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The ever-changing demands of COVID-19 continue to challenge everyone, but I am proud to say that across our company this has made us stronger.

From the beginning of the crisis, we focused on what was really important — caring for ourselves, our colleagues, communities and our customers.

We kept everyone As Safe As Home. We continued to serve our valued customers with the solutions they needed and we took tough decisions to ensure the company would come out of this crisis as strong as possible.

And we were able to do all that because we are committed to the values that define us — challenge. create. care.

Thank you.

In October 2020 we also launched our new sustainability strategy For A Better World. In many respects, the timing of our strategy could not be more significant.

From the beginning of the crisis we focused on what was really important — caring for ourselves, our colleagues, communities and our customers.
Jean-Claude Carlin

COVID-19 has not only been a stark reminder of the frailty of the world, it has also challenged us to create something better. To build back better. At Knauf Insulation sustainability has always been indispensable to our long-term growth. We are proud of our achievements but we are now determined to be even more ambitious.

Our new vision builds on our values and the successes of the past decade, setting a clear course for the future by defining how we will put people first, achieve zero carbon, deliver a circular economy and create better buildings. You can read about our new commitments, but what is so important to me about this strategy is that we have set ourselves challenging concrete targets for 2025. Targets such as reducing our accident rate by 55%, sending zero production waste to landfill and reducing the embodied carbon of our products by 15%.

These milestones will keep our sustainability journey on track and ensure that we are all responsible for delivering success not leaving problems for the next generation. These milestones are an exciting challenge that I am confident will bring out the best in everyone. I look forward to reporting positive progress next year.

And I look forward to your views on our new report. It is a celebration of what makes our company unique — our people.

Best wishes


Jean-Claude Carlin 

Member of the Knauf Group Management Committee, Knauf Insulation Europe/Middle East/Asia


Annual Review 2020

Read our Annual Review 2020!